Artemis Consulting is as committed to good corporate citizenship as we are dedicated to meeting our clients’ strategic goals. Just as we have core values that drive our professional engagements, we have similar ones that drive our commitment to serve our communities—which include integrity, passion, enthusiasm to make a positive difference, and commitment to excellence. Artemis Consulting engages its employees to actively participate in philanthropic organizations in their local communities by lending their time and expertise. Donating our time, talent, and resources to charitable organizations whose values align with ours allows us to give back to the communities where we and our employees live and work.
Artemis Consulting employees support the mission of Facets, a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping people get back on their feet. Facets strives to meet their emergency shelter, food, and medical needs, help them gain housing and employment, and end the cycle of poverty, by using education and counseling programs. The organization focuses on individuals in the Fairfax, VA area who are suffering the ill-effects of poverty, and attempts to help them become successful, independent people able to contribute to the community that supported them through the tough times. Being part of driving the success that helps men and women turn their lives around, and gives children a better childhood, is something we’re proud of!
Artemis Consulting and its employees provide monetary donations to purchase food items and spend time assembling food packets for children in need. Food for Others is a non-profit organization whose mission is to distribute free food to those in need in our neighboring communities. The non-profit’s Power Pack Program (P3) provides elementary school students with food on Fridays, so they have complete meals for the weekend. These children tend to be on free-or-reduced-meals programs during the week at school and are at risk of hunger on weekends. Food for Others distributes free food from their warehouse to 16 different neighborhood sites throughout northern Virginia.
Artemis Consulting and its employees are active supporters of Cornerstones, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with goals similar to those of Facets. Cornerstones promotes self-sufficiency by providing support and advocacy for those in need of food, shelter, affordable housing, quality childcare, and other human services. Given that Fairfax County is consistently ranked one of the richest counties in the country, the average cost of living in the County is very high and it’s easy for people who need help to fall through the cracks. Cornerstones does fundraisers to help raise money and awareness of its great programs, and is always looking for volunteers and donations. We are thrilled to contribute to this fantastic organization.
Asian American LEAD (AALEAD), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, provides crucial support to low-income and underserved Asian Pacific American youth through after school study programs, summer enrichment programs, college preparation support, and mentoring programs. AALEAD fills a unique need for many at-risk youth. Artemis Consulting and its employees have been supporting AALEAD since 2009.